MAP Company


The Wine Brandy Factory of Hoktemberian was founded in 1942 in the village of Lenughi. After privatization in 1995 it was renamed to MAP CJSC. 
Now the factory is well equipped with modern winemaking machinery, various high capacities, French, Cyprian and Bulgarian tuns, German butts and highly qualified specialists.
Due to all this, “MAP” Company has become one of the leading companies in Armenia that can produce up to 14 million litres of first-class alcohol drink annually.
 “MAP” Company is leaded by the motto: “Quality – at first”.  
Nowadays, MAP products can be found not only in all corners of Armenia, but also abroad mainly in Russian Federation, several countries of Europe, in the USA and elsewhere. With the volume and quantity of its products, the company has become one of the leading companies of our republic.